Laser Hair Removal During Winters Maximizes the Positive Results



While any time is all right for undergoing laser treatment for removing hair, some doctors consider winter as the ideal time. There is no more need to shave or wax regularly because these are temporary and often painful ways to deal with the problem of unwanted hair growth. This is a fantastic hair reduction process that gives you results in the long term. Modern clinics use the latest innovation and cooling system to make this an almost painless process. Get rid of the hair follicles from areas you do not want with this method. The skin feels silky and satiny smooth after the procedure is complete.


Undergoing the process during winters add to the benefits and you get the best results. The reasons for this are the following. 


The sun exposure is less at this time 


Tanned skin is not suitable for performing the Laser hair removal method so it is necessary to remain protected from sun’s exposure. Before starting the treatment, make sure that you are not getting sun rays on the particular spot or this interferes with the results. Even after the treatment, you have to wait for two to four weeks before getting the suntan. Sun exposure at this stage might lead to damage or pigmentation. It is necessary to undergo the sessions every four-six weeks. Once you get suntan after a laser session, the skin fails to be ready before the subsequent appointment. 


Starting the laser session during winters proves to be beneficial for this reason because at this time keeping your body protected from the sun becomes easier. Your body is ready automatically for a hair reduction session using the laser technique. Avoiding tans in between subsequent sessions is easier too during winters. 


Excessive sweating is not present in winters 


Laser rays heat the hair follicles for removing these. This  involves the use of innovative technology and cooling methods to make people comfortable at the time of treatment. The laser rays heat the follicles so the skin surrounding the follicles remain heat sensitive 48 hours in most cases. Doctors advise you to prevent heat exposure to the area and excessive sweating immediately after undergoing the laser technique. Doing this is not easy during summers. During winters you find it easier to remain cool and relaxed following the laser treatment. Do not take any sauna or hot showers, and avoid going to the steam room at this time. The cooling process of nature keeps you comfortable following the laser session. 


More covered areas reduce the need for waxing or shaving 


The laser method works well on the follicles for removing hair so that it does not grow back for a long time. The skin remains smooth and supple, soft to touch. When applied to hair it burns and there might be pigmentation present. The doctors recommend shaving that area 24-hrs before the treatment. The follicles need four to six weeks for cycle completion and since you wear more clothes to cover body parts as long sleeves, the hair is in the right stage for successful laser hair removal Sydney.


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